Many women experience vein problems during pregnancy. This may be the first time tiny spider veins are noticed on the legs, or large ropy varicosities may develop either in the legs or the vulvar region. Most women, between 70-80%, develop varicosities during the first trimester when the uterus is only slightly enlarged. This leads us to believe that the early pregnancy surge of hormones which dilate the veins are the primary factor in the development of varicosities during pregnancy.
As your pregnancy progresses and the uterus grows this can become a factor in the worsening of varicose symptoms as the enlarged uterus can impede blood return from the legs to the heart.
If you have varicose veins and you’re pregnant, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get a good quality pair of compression stockings that have been fitted to you. These stockings should be fitted to your leg size and not your foot size. The stocking length recommended may vary according to what kind of symptoms you’re having and where they’re occurring. We carry a full line of high quality compression stockings and specialty maternity hosiery for vulvar varicosities.
Once you’ve delivered your little bundle of love and you’ve had your 6-8-week post-partum check with your care provider then we can tackle your troublesome veins in a more permanent manner.
If you’re pregnant and having trouble with your veins, or if you’ve got veins that are sticking around after you’ve delivered, please schedule an appointment with Dr. Spartz for an evaluation of your veins and the treatment options available to you.